Monday, 6 February 2012


Black and white posters (to be walked over):

David Cameron

Ed Miliband

Fred Goodwin



'Self making poster':

Saturday, 4 February 2012

It's time to communicate!

We plan to use a variety of media to communicate our message, or rather, let the people communicate theirs, as that is what the whole idea is about.

  • Posters on ground depicting government leaders/bankers etc. People can walk over them, which, in effect, voices their opinions.
  • Flyers using the same design from the posters above. Info will be placed on the back leading people to our website, should we decide to do one. These flyers can be placed on the ground so whoever can walk over them. Alternativly, they will end up on the ground anyway, as people always have a tendancy to throw flyers away.
  • Website or Blog with info about our campaign. Photos of our campaign in effect, info about Occupy London etc.
  • 'Self making posters' - see image below. The idea here would be to have a blank landscape poster, halved down the middle with a line. The left half would read something like 'Reasons for faith in the government', and the right 'Reasons for lack of faith in the government'. This poster would be accompanied with a pen attatched to a string/chain so people can come along and fill it in for themselves. Hopefully, the poster would end up with the 'Reasons for lack of faith' half being rather full, while the other one would be almost empty. Making this poster speak for itself. This idea would be rather risky though, as it could end up being reversed, with the faith side being filled, or even both being just as filled. If both sides were balanced out, the whole poster would loose any meaning at all.
Other possbilities:

  • Polystyrene printed with government members. These would pose as another way for people to express themselves by punching the polystyrene. Could be nice to have video footage of this for our website. - Problems: it would only be a one time thing and could become quite costly, it also doesn't seem to easy to get an image printed on polystyrene, if it's even possible.
  • Spraymount posters. We would have a template of a government member cut, which would be placed on the ground and used as a template for spraying the spraymount. This would leave a sticky patch, which would collect dirt as people walked over it, eventually showing the image.

Occupy London

Went to visit some of the Occupy London sites to get an insight on what they thought of the government, and they mostly had a lack of faith in, regarding it.

Photos taken from both the Finsbury Park site, and the original site outside St Pauls:


  • The Government? Oh, they're doing a great job. Just give them a shovel and they'll dig themselves a great hole, and they'll keep on digging! The problem is getting them to stop.
  • It's not a one man job, it's neither one man's problem.