Tuesday 24 January 2012

Another rough idea

Possible idea we could go on:

There're a lot of ideas going around that the London 2012 Olympic logo looks like a Swastika, amongst other things. There's also an acquisition by Iran that the logo spells out the word 'Zion', which is 'a place name often used as a synonym for Jerusalem' -Wikipedia. The article about this can be found here.

Could there be some sort of connection with the logo looking, both, like a Swastika, and a biblical term for Jerusalem?

There're also the 2012 Olympic mascots resembling aliens, which, from research, no one actually seems to know what they're supposed to be. Info about it can be found here, you can also see opinions about the mascots from various people in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

A rough idea I came up with that could communicate this idea:

Reference links:
History of the Swastika
Various Swastikas from around the world
Iran's complaint about the 2012 logo
Meaning of the word 'Zion'
What the heck are those mascots?
More indeph look at Swastikas from around the world

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