Sunday 8 January 2012

What can faith/hope/charity represent

Both faith and hope can be quite similar.


Faith in your computer to keep working
Faith that a co-worker/friend will be able to do what s/he said they would, dispite not seeming capable
Faith that a movie director will create a good movie

Being able to have faith in a particular brand, supplying what it says it will
Having faith that your car will get you where you need to be


Hoping that your computer will continue to work
Hoping that a co-worker/friend will be able to do what s/he said they would
Hoping that you will be able to get somewhere on time
Hoping you'll win the lottery


Passing on books that you've read to friends/family
Donating unwanted items to a charity/shop
Giving someone a lift to their destination, when they can't get there themselves
Giving your last Rolo to a friend

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