Saturday 7 January 2012

Meaning of hope

What is the meaning of hope? Taken from Merriam Webster Dictionary


Definition of HOPE

1 : archaic : trust, reliance
2 a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment <came in hopes of seeing you>; also : expectation of fulfillment or success <no hope of a cure>
b : someone or something on which hopes are centered <our only hope for victory>
c : something hoped for
intransitive verb
1 : to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>
2 : archaic : trust
transitive verb
1 : to desire with expectation of obtainment
2 : to expect with confidence : trust
  — hop·er noun
  — hope against hope
   : to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment

Examples of HOPE


  1. When they started their life together, they were young and full of hope.
  2. Rescuers have not yet abandoned hope that more survivors will be found.
  3. The drug has brought hope to thousands of sufferers.
  4. We allowed ourselves to entertain hopes that the crisis would end soon.
  5. The goal raised the hopes of the team.
  6. The hope is that there will be a settlement soon.
  7. The lawyers do not want to raise false hopes of an early settlement.
  8. He told them the truth with the hope that they would understand.
  9. He had little hope of attending college.
  10. The latest reports hold out hope for a possible end to this crisis.


  1. No one knows yet if anyone survived the crash. At this point, we can only hope.
  2. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  3. That's what she hoped would happen.
  4. Let's hope that the strike ends soon.
  5. I hope I haven't bored you.
  6. Everyone in your family is well, I hope.

Origin of HOPE

Middle English, from Old English hopian; akin to Middle High German hoffen to hope
First Known Use: before 12th century

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