Saturday 7 January 2012

Meaning of charity

What is the meaning of charity? Taken from Merriam Webster Dictionary


Definition of CHARITY

1 : benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity
2 a : generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; also : aid given to those in need
b : an institution engaged in relief of the poor
c : public provision for the relief of the needy
3 a : a gift for public benevolent purposes
b : an institution (as a hospital) founded by such a gift
4 : lenient judgment of others

Examples of CHARITY

  1. The holidays are a time for charity and good will.
  2. She refused to accept charity.
  3. The dinner was held to raise funds for several charities.
  4. She runs a local charity that gives books to children.
  5. All the money will go to charity.

Origin of CHARITY

Middle English charite, from Anglo-French charité, from Late Latin caritat-, caritas Christian love, from Latin, dearness, from carus dear; akin to Old Irish carae friend, Sanskrit kāma love
First Known Use: 13th century

Related to CHARITY

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